InSightec® / Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS)

InSightec, which is headquartered in Tirat Carmel near Haifa and draws 80 percent of its staff from Technion graduates, has developed a surgical system to treat tumors inside the body that perhaps can cure many different illnesses electronically without having to cut open the human body. This Israeli innovation has the potential to transform how medicine will be practiced internationally, enabling many patients to recover from various illnesses much quicker than they presently are able to do utilizing traditional surgery. Indeed, it can perhaps replace the hospitalizations that follow surgery with out-patient care.

Additional benefits of this new Israeli medical technology include treatment for various serious illnesses with minimal trauma and discomfort, as well as preventing patients from having to live with scars caused by surgery for the rest of their lives. In sum, it enables many patients to get their lives back much quicker than they would have been able to do in the past utilizing other treatments. So far, this treatment has been approved to treat utirine fibroids in the US, Europe, Israel, and Asia, yet it has potential for many other illnesses as well. InSightec believes that they will succeed to develop the operating room of the future. This is probably the most remarkable scientific accomplishment of the century..  How incredibly beneficial this
will be in the future..  Most operating rooms as we know them might not be needed … sometime in the not too distant future.

 To learn more, please watch this video below!

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